Stephanie Dueger, PhD, LPC
[psychotherapy, perinatal + postpartum,
attachment + bonding support, trauma specialist]
Read more about Stephanie Dueger, PhD and her psychotherapy practice in Boulder.
Contact Stephanie for a free brief online consultation for potential new clients. phone: 303.519.1046 email: [email protected] office hours: Wed 9 am to 2:30 pm (online appointments available) rates: $195/ 50 minute office session Free brief online consultation |
Hello. I am so glad you’re here!
I’m a somatic psychotherapist and parent coach who is passionate about helping hopeful, expectant, and new parents and their little ones up to age 5 develop healthy, secure, nourishing family relationships. My approach is grounded and gentle, with a focus on being a relatable and supportive guide who has helped hundreds of families navigate their way to greater health, connection, and ease. I would love to support you and your family in these exciting and sometimes challenging early years. I Help Support Individuals, Couples, and Families with:
Bio and Professional Experience and Training: Dr. Dueger graduated with a PhD in Clinical Psychology in Somatic and Pre- and Perinatal Psychology and Health in 2015 from The Chicago School of Professional Psychology (formerly Santa Barbara Graduate Institute). Prior to that, she earned a MA in Counseling Psychology (Wilderness Therapy) from Naropa University (2005), and a MA in Education from the University of New Hampshire (1997). She has extensive training and experience working with trauma, EMDR, and attachment and bonding. After being humbled and deeply heart-opened by the life-changing experience of becoming a parent and parenting two young children, she published Preparing for Parenthood: 55 Essential Conversations for Couples Becoming Families (2020), the book she wishes she’d had for herself and her husband when first becoming parents. Along with psychotherapy and parent coaching, Dr. Dueger facilitates parent workshops and courses and was the former Editor-in-Chief of the academic Journal of Pre- and Perinatal Psychology and Health. Her educational podcast, Prepared for Parenthood, provides expectant and new parents, and professionals who work with them, supportive information for navigating pre-conception through preschool. She lives next to the mountains in CO with her husband, two teen daughters, and giant furball of a dog. You can learn more about her psychotherapy work at, and more about her book, courses, and coaching services on |